Hack of a 20 years old 5v PCI GPIB card to use in a 3.3v PCI slot. Playing with hpdrive a emulator of old HP drives. https://t.co/ZiVsEZts9v

Hack of a 20 years old 5v PCI GPIB card to use in a 3.3v PCI slot. Playing with hpdrive a emulator of old HP drives. https://t.co/ZiVsEZts9v
Comparing 4 different cal kits with the same DUT.
Be careful, test equipment can become a hobby in itself! True 😉 https://t.co/r5LkvGIn7X
New toy for the VNA arrived today 🙂
Looking for a HP 8510c users, do you have access to one? #hp #agilent #keysight https://t.co/Ov7iXuyAAu
Tnx @ea3hmj for the test! Really amazing 100km in 47GHz without visibile path #ghz_bands https://t.co/vIeZYfOdqW
Starting the mechanization of the new dual band fixed station for home. #ghz_bands #hamradio #hamr #10GHz #24GHz https://t.co/fEtuRsYmpg